

How It Works

Together, we will design your meeting schedule to work through 4 x Lessons (~ 45 min.)

Week 1: Physical Wellness

  • Identify movement for joy

  • Integrate practices for awareness

  • Implement habit-building methods

Week 2: Metal Wellness

  • Identify impacts of thought life

  • Integrate practice for mindfulness

  • Implement check-in system

Week 3: Emotional Wellness

  • Identify emotional responses

  • Integrate practices for awareness

  • Introduce personalized movement options

Week 4: Spiritual Wellness

  • Identify self-concept

  • Integrate practices for confidence

  • Introduce Move Crew - details HERE


  • Build Your Path Forward


** Additional Series Offered **

Dealing With Stress, Bringing Life into Balance, Maximizing Relationships

“It is empowering to make time & space to care for my whole being. By recognizing all the parts of myself I value, I am better able to connect with my best self & have a genuine appreciation for who I am.”

“Be Empowered has changed my life. When I met Cindy, I was newly pregnant and looking to revamp (or rather, revive) my workout routine, and Cindy helped me make modifications to make sure the workouts were inclusive and safe for me. Five years later and I haven’t looked back once. Cindy motivates me every day to work hard, have fun, and most importantly, listen to my body’s needs for each day. I appreciate the mindfulness and self-love involved in my fitness routine that Be Empowered has given me. I have never felt so strong and confident in my body. This program is truly a one-of-a-kind treasure that I’m so happy I stumbled upon - the Be Empowered community truly can't be beat!” - S.W.