
Continue To Build Awareness, Tools & Practices To Live Your Best Life.

“The realization that I can be in education and not sacrifice my health to do that work well is relatively new at this late point in my career. It comes with benefits related to esteem and resilience that serve me, my family, my students, and my community well. This is always giving!”

  • Do you notice yourself “bumping up” against something or someone?

  • Do you find yourself ruminating in thought or overwhelmed by stress?

  • Are you feeling burnt out or just stuck?

Through continued examination of relationships, stressors & current methods of operating, you will build skills that position you to experience your best self in your day-to-day life.

  • Continue building tools for self-awareness & confidence.

  • Work through current challenges & stress, letting go of anything that no longer serves you.

  • Develop methods to deal with stress & nurture all the parts of your whole wellness.

How It Works -

As your coach, my job is to hold space & ask questions that help you to tune out the noise & tune into yourself.  So, you have the clarity & confidence to live the life you desire.

Each month includes (times dependent on number of participants):

  • Workshop Lesson (75 - 120 min)

  • Follow-up Tune-In Call (20 - 45 min)

  • Move Crew Access (Basic)

    Choose to upgrade to Move Crew+

Learning in a caring community deepens discoveries & enhances learning.

  • Groups 2+ encourage (not required)

  • $69 / Month ($695 / Year)

“It’s very easy to push aside personal concerns during the school year and I couldn’t keep assuming things would magically improve. This class made me look deeper into myself and gave me the time and support to explore where my anxiety comes from. I also gained some concrete skills to look at stressors more objectively along with thinking about my response to those stressors. I’m not sure how much longer I could have pushed myself to do just a little bit more for my job without the conclusions I came to with the help of this course. I feel more centered and capable of giving more attention to myself and my needs. I’m also more confident that what I have to give students is enough.”