How It Works

  1. Lesson With Follow-up

    • Monthly

  2. Movement Check-in

    • As needed

  3. Move Crew

“I feel more centered and capable of giving more attention to myself and my needs.”

Learn More About How It Works

Lesson With Follow Up

Through the thoughtful examination of relationships & current methods of operating we will work through what no longer serves you, establishing new perspectives & practices for Whole Wellness.

Lessons focus on a whole wellness concept for enhancing your understandings. (~ 75 minutes)

Follow Ups are scheduled 1-2 weeks after the lesson, to discuss awareness, questions & prompts for deeper learning. (~ 45 minutes)

Topic examples include:

  • Dealing with stress

  • Taking charge of your thinking

  • Bringing life into balance

  • And more!

Movement Check-In

Staying connected with a coach keeps your practice thriving.

I will hold space & ask questions that help you to tune out the noise & tune into yourself so that you have the clarity & confidence to create the practice you desire.

Check-Ins meet you where you are at and can be utilized to:

  • Work through motivation challenges

  • Ask questions & explore movement options

  • Technique guidance & form support

  • Integrate habit-building tools

  • Setting up your space for success

  • Discuss anything else you’d like to that will support you!

(~ 30 minutes)

“How we show up in the spaces in our lives is critical to the environment we create for ourselves and others. This is such a generous and caring investment in yourself, and by default, others.”

“When I first participated in Cindy’s workshops, it amazed me how each session perfectly aligned with a concern or issue I was feeling that week. Now I am participating in these sessions for a second time, months after I first attended, and am still finding that the focus and conversations we have are exactly what I need that week. I find new lessons and revelations in activities I am familiar with, as well as challenges that correlate to the ever-changing realities of modern life. Cindy’s adaptability, creativity, and heart-driven approach is the crucial element in what makes these classes so powerful. She approaches each person and interaction with intentionality, presence, and thoughtful questioning which has generated new thinking and growth in my own life.”