10% Discount On All Services For ALL Education Staff!

Now more than ever, educators are faced with innumerable demands, challenges, initiatives and calls for innovation.

Knowing the critical role our educators hold in our communities; I am dedicated to serving them, the people who care for our people.

Be Empowered creates the pathway for you to effortlessly care for your whole wellness, so you can show up as your best self to do your best work.

“The realization that I can be in education and not sacrifice my health to do that work well is relatively new at this late point in my career. It comes with benefits related to esteem and resilience that serve me, my family, my students, and my community well. This is always giving!”


GROUP: Get a small group of colleagues together

  • Or choose to work 1-on-1 with Cindy

WORKSHOP & FOLLOWUP: Meet monthly for a workshop to explore a concept & follow-up 1-2 weeks after to discuss noticings and expand learning

  • Ex: deal with stress, take charge of thoughts, letting go, bring life into balance, etc.

MOVE CREW COMMUNITY: Morning movement meetups (6 Am) & more

COACH CALLS: Accountability & support

  • Individually created as scheduled

Personal development IS professional development.

A better you does everything better, including work.

We create time and space to reflect and connect as teams work through prompts, tools, and practices for connecting with brilliance and wellbeing.

“This kind of work is a unique type of professional development that fortifies the collegial relationship.”


Expert At Packaging Training Opportunities That Fit Your Priorities

Serving teams in finding & maintaining balance in their daily lives; personally, professionally, and relationally. So, they too may experience the fulfillment and impact of their magnificence.

As a result of engaging in this work, staff will be equipped with:


Better able to handle the daily stressors of work. Being at choice about how to show up and respond to any given situation; personal best will be refreshed with energy.

"It’s very easy to push aside personal concerns during the school year and I couldn’t keep assuming things would magically improve. These workshops made me look deeper into myself and gave me the time and support to explore where my anxiety comes from. I also gained some concrete skills to look at stressors more objectively along with thinking about my response to those stressors."


Rejuvenated connection to their purpose.  Remembering who they are, why they have chosen to do what they do and what it is about the work that fills them with satisfaction; motivation will be reset with intention.

"I’m not sure how much longer I could have pushed myself to do just a little bit more for my job without the conclusions I came to with the help of this course. I feel more centered and capable of giving more attention to myself and my needs. I’m also more confident that what I have to give students is enough."


A re-engaged connection built on trust and community among colleagues. Building a sense of community and bond that has been lost or strained over challenging times; relationships will reconnect with trust and empathy.

“It felt vulnerable to share so much with my colleagues, but through it I learned I really could share with my colleagues/ actually friends(!) and their trust in me when they share is a gift I cherish as well.”


Be Empowered specializes in professional (personal) development designed to support educators amid the ever-changing demands, challenges, initiatives and calls for innovation. Offering time, space and tools to address these both personally and professionally, you’ll show up more often as your best self to do your best work.

Understanding the challenging dynamics of time, connection & resources and knowing that each building & district have a unique set of circumstances, plans are individually designed. Contact Cindy to create one that best serves your team. 

“The discussion & the tools really invite thinking & reflection about how I am showing up in certain situations, whether at work or at home. It is empowering to know that colleagues are grappling with similar issues. I now feel a connection to the group that I wouldn't have otherwise had & I feel like they are allies in doing this important and challenging work.”


  • Awareness

    It begins with a sense of self, purpose and clarity in personal methods of operating.

  • Relationship

    Awareness creates choice in how you respond in a given situation. Cultivating the courage to be imperfect & see growth amid mistakes, builds compassion for self and others.

  • Change

    Influence your community in a way that inspires innovation and change for greater courage, growth and a caring connection.

Common topics for customized workshops & trainings around purpose, communication, relationships & social-emotional learning.

    • Conflict management

    • Open and closed communication

    • Stepping out of power struggles

    • Listening

    • Curiosity Tone

    • Remaining grounded in messy conversations

    • Bringing life into balance

    • Dealing with stress

    • Wisdom of our feelings

    • Trust

    • Decision making

    • Maximizing relationships

    • Self-Reliance

    • Blame/shame/ resentment

    • Holding space for self and others

    • Expanding the gap between stimulus & response

    • Mistakes & adversity/ courage to be imperfect

    • Core needs (love, belong, value, power, seen)

    • Creativity

    • Personal best/high performance habits

    • Eliminating triggers

    • Presence

    • Identity

    • Impacts of our thoughts

    • Identity

    • Intentions

    • Why’s

    • Eyes on the prize

    • Giving tasks a higher purpose

    • Improving the what by managing the why

    • Being on purpose

“How we show up in the spaces in our lives is critical to the environment we create for ourselves and others. These workshops have really helped to foster personal ownership, open heartedness, and a sense of empowerment in everyday things. This is such a generous and caring investment in yourself, and by default, others.”    — Leadership Participant